Knockhill – BRSCC FJC – September 2022

Friday – Free Practise Sessions

We found a leak coming from the steering rack, it turned out that both the seals had gone on the rack so had to change that.

Went out for the first session getting a feel for the track and the car again and by the end of the session I improved massively on my times.

Second session

Getting a feel for the track as we was going the other way round this time . Started off slow but got faster nearer the end of the session

Saturday – Qualifiers

Went out for free practice all went well with no problems

I then went out for qualifying and got p11 for race 1 and p10 for race 2

Sunday – Race Day

The first race went well, I had some great battles and I made up a good amount of positions throughout the race finished in p7

Race 2 – didn’t get the best start but had some good battles throughout the race and finished p9

Race 3 – I started p9 for the race got a mega start and made my way up to p6 by the end of the race

I would like to Thank the CTS#41 Team, Our Sponsors and Our Amazing Fans, Much Love!

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